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Products We Carry

When you order catheters from Instacare Medical Supplies you will receive the highest quality products with a timely free delivery system. Our representatives are here to serve you with accurate information that will help insure your medical health. The right catheter product can mean the difference in your quality of life.

We carry samples for all products and will utilize samples for emergency situations until a shipment arrives at your door. If you would like a sample sent to your home, you can call us at 1-888-893-6644. We pride ourselves in being a full service supplier for catheters from all major manufacturers.

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Closed System Catheters


CLOSED SYSTEM Catheters are the preferred cathing system for those who use wheel chairs, pediatric patients and most other patient groups. Closed system catheters offer privacy and convenience options which the straight catheters do not. Closed systems allow secure, discreet catheterization whether in a restroom, home or even in your vehicle.

Most closed system catheters have an added safety feature called an introducer or insertion tip. The introducer tip allows the pre-lubricated catheter to bypass the highest concentrations of bacteria located in the first few millimeters of the urethra, significantly reducing the risk of infection. Collection chambers allow the user to measure output and monitor hydration levels.

We also carry closed system kits designed to assist those with limited hand dexterity.


Hydrophilic Catheters


Hydrophilic catheters are the preferred cathing system for those who experience the sensation of pain, pressure, or discomfort during the cathing process.

Hydrophilic catheters come pre-lubricated and always optimally hydrated to promote excellent gliding properties that insure a smoother, more comfortable insertion.

Hydrophilic catheters have demonstrated to lead to greater patient satisfaction while reducing the risk of urethral damage due to friction. Furthermore, they lead to greater compliance by the patient.

Hydrophilic catheters have a layer of a pre-lubricating coating that is bound to the catheter surface. The pre-lubricating coating absorbs and binds water to the hydrophilic catheter, leading to a smooth, slippery surface.

The coating layer remains in tact upon introduction into the urethra and insures lubrication of the urethra in its entire length.


Foley Catheters


The Foley catheter, also known as the Indwelling Catheter, is a closed, sterile system inserted into the urethra to allow the bladder to drain. The indwelling catheter for men is 16 inches long and is available in French sizes, 12Fr thru 26Fr. Considered to be a unisex catheter, the foley catheter is used by men and women with urinary incontinence, caused by obstruction or urinary retention and are unable to be treated through other methods like sterile intermittent catheterization, medication or surgery.

Foley catheters come in both hydrophyllic and antibacterial varieties. Foley catheters are usually attached to urinary catheter bags, overnight bags or urinary leg bags. An overnight bag is attached to a long tube that is hung over the side of the bed below the level of the catheter, so urine can flow more easily. Some Foley catheters come with a curved tip specifically for men which makes them easy to push past the prostate.


Intermittent Catheters


Intermittendent straight catheters are considered the original technology and sometimes the best option for a patient without insurance or is under insured as these represent the most economical choice.

These catheters require manual lubrication prior to insertion. Straight catheters may require extension tubes for those who use wheel chairs or who have difficulty making transfers.

There are several ways to lubricate a catheter and we provide instruction in an educational packet.


Drainage Bags


Drainage bags or leg bags are made of soft vinyl or latex and come in a variety of sizes. The most popular sizes for the leg bags are 19 ounces and 32 ounces. Bedside drainage bags are usually much larger holding 60 ounces of fluid and placed on the side of the bed below the catheter level.


External Catheters

External catheters are condom catheters that work like the traditional one but are more convenient to use. They form a condom and fit the penis. They come in various small, medium, large and extra large sizes. They are kept in place by by a self adhesive on the side of the catheter, a Velcro fastner, special wrap around sheath, a double sided adhesive or some other variation. The external catheter eliminates the use of a tube into the urethra. Elimination of urine occurs through the external male cather and is collected in a leg drainage bag. These external catheters are easy to use, remove and replace and can be worn for longer periods of time.

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